Power Quality Problems are more prone and serious concern to any type of users of Electricity. Reliability of electrical power to industry is supposed to be high. But due to various technical reasons/issues, events like Sag, Swell and interruptions cannot be avoided in power system. As this event are all challenging, Electrical Engineers must know about the consequences due to poor Power Quality. Unluckily there is no opportunity to view those events in real time.
As these events are all impossible to predict in nature, either finding in the field or generating intentionally those events in real time will be too difficult. But consequences after the events will be night mare to any consumer of Electricity
Presently all type of PQ Events are simulated with various software for Educational/demonstration purposes. This does not give the required impact to the learners since the waveforms are just simulated.
Also our PQ event Generator will be useful tool for Power Quality analyser Distributors and Sellers to demonstrate their instrument performance any time at any place in front of customer. Surely showing very rare and critical to handle those events to any customer will increase the sale.
As our team of Engineers are in the field of Power Quality for the past 20 years, we understand these difficulties, we introduced our innovative product and the product has been sold in India and Exported too.

415 Volts Three Phase version also available on request
# Subject to variable due to variation in input voltage
@ Subject to small variation as the measuring instrument performance varies